Monday, June 27, 2011

Royal Court of Bullshit Goes to Hell

I was recently made aware of a blog where they bashed my friend and business partner and was appalled by the tasteless drivel that they spouted on their blog, not only about my friend but also about others. The utter hatefulness of their comments and rants left me taken aback and almost feeling battered. I felt sad, disappointed, outraged and appalled by what I read. I'm not going to give a link back to this site because I'm not going to help spread their hate and negativity to others. I pray that God shows them the right path because right now they are on a pathway to hell with no escape in sight. This is my response to their crap:

After reading some of the posts on this blog I have to say that I'm quite honestly disgusted with the character YOU have displayed with this distasteful dish rag of a blog. It literally made me sick to my stomach to see the things you wrote about people, whether it's true or not. I have to wonder what sort of life you really have if you have so much time to speak badly about other people. You put people's very personal, very private, and real information on this site and yet you want to hide behind anonymity? Are you kidding me?! I'm not so stupid to take someone's word whom I do not know nor have ever met in my entire life, make me base my personal opinions on someone else. My own experiences control my opinions and views on people, not your vindictive, tasteless, and tactless little rants. Anyone that does, which I notice a few of you have, I pity your lack of intelligence and laziness. Are you so lazy that you have to take anonymous and hypocritical bloggers' words for someone else's character and have them make up your mind for you? That's incredibly sad.

In your post you claim that she is messy and yet the bloggers of this site are the Royal Court of Complete Bullshit and Hypocrisy. You also seem unable to go one second without using foul language and resulting to childish and immature name calling. I call into question your RL age because you have the mentality of a 10 year old with a chip on your shoulder. What kind of person, what HUMANE person, goes about putting other people's real life information on blast to a world of complete strangers, especially if said information was originally told in confidence. What type of character must you all have to be able to do that to someone? And also what type of human being would ridicule a person in an abusive RL relationship. Now whether it's true or not is not something I care about because I think your site is all garbage anyway but the fact that you are capable of saying and doing such things says more about you than the person you target. If you or any of you followers see that type of ridicule as valid then I know you have not been in such a situation yourselves because anyone that has been there knows it's not something to wish on another human being or to be seen as deserved.

I have seen drama come in go, in second life and in real life, and it's always same bullshit different day. Your profile says that you aim to stop drama on second life and yet you are an instigator of it. If the readers and followers believe that, then you're just as bad and disgust me just as much with your hypocrisy and stupidity. Let me lay some questions down for you all and see if it gives you another point of view. You put people's personal and real information out there for strangers to see, which could indirectly endanger their lives and I don't care how much you want to defend yourself with the whole, "Well they should never have told anyone in the first place." If they trusted someone enough to tell them their real information in confidence because they believed they were people of character, morals and integrity then that's a lesson learned but you just showed your true colors with this blog. What about your real information? Why don't you tell us your full names and address? Why don't you share your real life story with us if you are so squeaky clean that you can cast stones on other people. Are you so innocent that you can do so? Have you never made mistakes in your lives? Have you never told one lie in your life? (I really doubt that). From this blog alone I can surmise the integrity of your character and it has been found lacking in my personal opinion. Now, having said all of that, why should I base any of my opinions on a thing you write in this blog? *listens to the crickets* My point exactly.

Oh to those that wish to leave Divas because of this trash I say only this - Get the fuck out. I'm sure they don't need weak minded people in the group.

PS. The only way to stop drama is to let it die, not bring it into the spot light. That's all I'm gonna say and I pray that God shows you the right path to take because from the looks of this you are straying. If you wish to delete this comment then go right ahead. Obviously you can't take criticism against your work and can't stand the spot light of common sense.

Have a blessed day and I'll be praying for your common senses and moral integrity to be restored.


If you don't like what you read then I don't really care. I won't delete your comments no matter how negative they are although if you use excessive cursing and can't be bothered to use proper diction then you may find yourself on the end of my delete and remove button. If you can't even spell correctly, what makes you think that you can even argue on the same level with me. Feel free to try to take shots but I have strong moral values and live by those values whether it be RL or SL and I have nothing to hide because I'm not ashamed of anything.

Tell my RL information or if I find anyone using my RL photos, which are MY property, then I will take legal action on you and have your shot dismantled quicker than a flash. If the only way you can fight is doing it dirty then you're not worth my time fighting anway because you are without honor.

Anyhoo that's all I have to say.